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High Valley Community Center offers a safe environment where our youth develop and strengthen positive values and behaviors through responsive programming, community service learning, and meaningful opportunities that inspire them to reach their full potential.

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Help Us Raise 10% Of The Cost Of Our Programming.

We aim to provide high-quality programming and food to all of our kiddos who attend programming throughout the year. As much as we wish it would be, this isn't free!


It costs HVCC around $3,000 per year for a single child to attend our programming. We rely on grants and the support of our local community to keep HVCC cost-free for parents. We believe in keeping all elements of our programming cost-free to our parents to make it accessible to all the children of this community!


By making a one-time donation of the amounts listed below, you are helping us cover a fraction of the costs associated with providing these kiddos with the resources they need to learn to make a positive impact on the world around them. We ask that you consider becoming a recurring donor to help us continue to build and implement excellent programming.


 Please consider donating to HVCC and investing in the youth that make up our future!

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